
SQM Implements Robust Prevention Plan to Combat Covid-19

SQM Implements Robust Prevention Plan to Combat Covid-19

The mining company had preventatively developed a contingency plan that helps contain the spread of the coronavirus through flexibility designed to facilitate working from home, remote meetings and limiting travel to only those trips that are strictly necessary. Cordons sanitaires have been implemented in our various operations to prevent contagion during shift changes.

Although SQM operations have not been materially impacted by the spread of COVID19, the company has taken preventative measures to protect the health of our workers and contractors and to mitigate possible operational effects.

The company determined that all employees who are part of the highest risk population (over the age of 65 or over 60 with chronic illnesses) should stay at home to prevent catching the virus. The same was determined for members of other at-risk groups such as pregnant women, employees who have recently undergone surgery and those with cancer diagnoses, among other exceptional cases.

Telecommuting has become a key system for protecting employees. Following an internal review of each area, we identified which employees can work from home and allowed them to create a home office. All in-person meetings have been replaced with videoconferences. We also gave employees who use public transportation permission to adjust their start and end times so that they can avoid rush hour.

Prevention at Work Sites

This prevention plan, which is constantly being evaluated, redoubles the efforts and preventative measures in place for SQM operations. A cordon sanitaire has been established at each site, and each employee is asked to present their Sanitary Passport prior to entering. In addition, their temperatures are taken when they board buses and at guard posts, and we have reinforced the processes used to clean and sanitize bathrooms, dining rooms, buses and rooms, paying special attention to shift changes.

We also take the temperatures of the employees who come from different parts of the country as they board buses. Each bus is sanitized at different points along the route, which is complemented by the 42 Sanitary Custom Posts created by the Health Ministry throughout the country. We ensure that every employee practices social distancing whether en route or in a dining facility, production unit or common space. These facilities are also sanitized periodically.

All first aid rooms in SQM production facilities and at the María Elena Hospital have an activation protocol for coronavirus cases. If the company identifies an employee who has symptoms, the protocol established by the Health Ministry will be applied.

Visits by individuals external to the company have been suspended and special authorization must be granted in order for any exceptions to be made.

Meanwhile, in foreign commercial offices and based on the context of each country, various actions have been taken to help control the virus (home office, shift work for those in offices, cancelled travel, etc.).

It is important to note that in addition to the preventative measures implemented in each of the sites, corporate buildings and commercial offices, SQM is supporting neighboring communities. The company agreed to donate 7,000 rapid tests in Tocopilla and María Elena in order to help limit wait-times for results. The mining company is also focused on supporting members of at-risk groups, particularly older adults, providing basic necessities to encourage them to remain at home in accordance with the quarantine. These measures and other support initiatives are applied in all the towns located near operations in the Antofagasta and Tarapacá regions.