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¡En terreno! Junto a las comunidades aledañas al Salar de Atacama
SQM está ejecutando diversas iniciativas en las localidades aledañas al Salar orientadas a apoyar directamente a aquellos comuneros que pertenecen a...
SQM Joins United Nations Global Compact
As part of its hard work on sustainability matters, the mining company has pledged its allegiance to the mission of promoting and disseminating the UN...
Familias de Quillagua y María Elena aprenden a cultivar hortalizas a través de taller virtual
Cuarenta familias comenzaron las clases online de “Un Huerto en Mi Casa”, iniciativa educativa impulsada por Fundación Mr. Barber y SQM orientada...
SQM and Municipality of María Elena Distribute Health Kits to Every Home
Teamwork has become an important component of efforts to contain the spread of COVID-19. In view of this, the company and local officials are working ...
SQM Supports Public Health Network Efforts to Combat COVID-19
The mining company has undertaken various actions to help strengthen and improve the response capacity of hospitals and healthcare units in the Antofa...
Distance Learning and Healthy Living During the Pandemic
SQM and the educational and social organizations with which it partners to develop educational and social integration programs are promoting a series ...
María Elena and Tocopilla Entrepreneurs Restart their Businesses
In the midst of the health emergency generated by COVID-19, Puerto Cowork has fielded numerous applications with the support of SQM and Fundación La ...
SQM Prevents the Spread of COVID-19 among Older Adults
After identifying the most urgent needs of the municipalities and towns near its operations in the Antofagasta and Tarapacá regions, the mining compa...
We Can Beat COVID-19 Together!
SQM has distributed health emergency kits and food, sanitized public spaces, donated medical supplies and organized educational activities, among othe...