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Salar Athletics Club Celebrates Successful 2019
SQM Salar added a new title to its portfolio: The El Ancla Amateur Soccer Association’s Senior Cup. The win brought a successful year of soccer and ...
Young People from María Elena Have a New “Teen-Friendly Space”
Health clinic professionals, local residents and members of SQM’s volunteer corps turned a small landfill into a place for local teens to receive sp...
SQM’s Community Christmas Celebration
Games, laughter, gifts, sweets and Santa Claus were the stars of the various Christmas parties held in María Elena, Quillagua, Antofagasta, Iquique, ...
SQM Recertified in Responsible Conduct in the Chemical Industry
The Chilean Chemical Industry Association’s Responsible Care Commission recognized various Chilean companies at its annual ceremony. SQM received ac...
SQM’s Corporate Volunteer Program Lends a Hand to its Community
(Español) En diversas localidades de las regiones de Tarapacá y Antofagasta, los 311 voluntarios de la empresa minera realizaron 204 intervenciones ...
Former Mining Camp to Become Hotel Managed by the Atacameña Community in Toconao
In an emotional signing ceremony, SQM agreed to transfer part of the mining camp that it managed in Toconao to the community. The facility will be con...
Salar de Atacama Boasts First Self-Sustainable Maintenance Shop
(Español) El proyecto pretende generar el 60% de la energía que se consume en el área y disminuir en 6 toneladas anuales las emisiones de CO2....
(Español) Niñas y niños de la población Pacífico Norte cuentan con renovado jardín infantil
(Español) Diversas mejoras en términos estéticos y de seguridad experimentó el jardín infantil Estrellita del Pacífico de Tocopilla que fueron p...
Theater for All
A group of children from Tocopilla enjoyed a playful experience filled with learning and integration thanks to an inclusive theater workshop put on by...