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Alfalfa Production Center in La Tirana receives national award from UN Global Compact
The project that seeks to combat food shortages among sheep and goats in Pampa del Tamarugal was recognized by Conecta 2023 of the United Nations (UN)...
More than 800 people trained through SQM’s Community Technical Training Program
Class B and D Driver's License, Electrical Instrument Maintenance, Mobile Equipment Maintenance, General Chemistry Analysis Techniques, Baking, Indust...
(Español) Casa abierta de Toconao estuvo a disposición de la Comunidad
Programas AMA, Atacama Tierra Fértil, Medio ambiente, Sostenibilidad, Valor Compartido, Operaciones Salar y Relacionamiento Comunitario, participaron...
Second Innovation and Agricultural Entrepreneurship Meeting in La Tirana attracted nearly 200 attendees
Organized by SQM, the Municipality of Pozo Almonte and representatives from the Agriculture Ministry for the Tarapacá Region, the second version of t...
Successful closing of third version of NorTEduca, an innovative program promoting STEM education in northern Chile
● In 2023, the program grew from five to seven beneficiary schools in order to positively impact more and more families, students and teachers in th...
Great turnout for SQM’s First Scientific Discussion held in San Pedro de Atacama
Three highly-experienced experts participated in the event and gave presentations on the topic of vegetation in arid environments. This initiative cou...
Tocopilla Soccer Film Festival honors documentary narrating the origin of women’s soccer in the Aymara community
"Rayando la cancha" by Macarena Denisse; "Siempre estaré contigo" by the Carlos Condell School in Tocopilla; "Carlos" by Vicente Yunge; "El último p...
Neighbors and merchants of Iquique’s historic district install 500 surveillance cameras to tighten security in the sector
Leaders of nine neighborhood councils that make up the Regional Federation of Communal Unions were joined at the organization's headquarters by the Re...
Nearly 1,000 people attended the 72nd Chilean Agronomic Conference and its activities
Forty growers and entrepreneurs, 90 exhibitors, 107 presentations and more than 800 people from the region participated in the various events at the n...