Risk Prevention
Risk Prevention
In the development of our operations, the safety of the people who provide us with their services is essential at SQM Iodine Plant Nutrition. This is why we encourage personal care and provide constant training to prevent accidents at work inside the company. In addition to this, we implemented an Occupational Health and Safety Management System in order to take care of our human capital and minimize risks.

We conduct training and educational courses for our workers on occupational hazards, activities of hazardous nature or dangerous situations. In addition to this, 100% of employees and contractors working at sites controlled by our company, are trained in safety matters.
Critical inventories help us define, evaluate and monitor risks frequently, and to generate action plans that are necessary for effective control. Likewise, people must report Hazardous Situations as established in the Code of Ethics and in the Internal Regulations of Order, Hygiene and Safety.

Elements of our Management System: