Responsible Care

In 2022 Plant Nueva Victoria was recertified for a period of three years.

At present, we are moving forward to initiate the certification process for Puerto de Tocopilla.

In Chile, the implementation of this initiative is leaded by ASIQUIM.

Our commitment is to comply with 6 basic principles for Responsible Care: continuous improvement in environmental, health and safety matters; efficient use of resources; listening, integrating and working with nearby communities; and providing assistance to encourage responsible management of chemicals. In addition, re-certify our processes every 3 years.

SQM Información corporativa


Progress Status

Continuously improve knowledge in environment, health and security and enhance the performance of technologies, processes and products through all their life cycles to avoid damages to people and environment. Effectively use resources and minimize waste.

In our sustainability Plan we defined the pillar of “Our Environment”, in which we aim to improve our understanding of the environment where we operate, in order to minimize the impact that we produce. Thanks to our continuous investments in R&D, we have been able to increase our operational and energetic efficiency, as well as starting recycling campaigns, establishing stable relationship through co-created programs with the Center for Agricultural Research and Development of Pozo Almonte included in the Community Relations Category, due to its contribution to the strengthening of the agricultural and livestock activity in the area, boosting family economy.

To openly report on performance, achievements and shortcomings.

All of our information on impact done by emissions and water use is available in our Sustainability Report. In addition, along with reporting to the competent authorities, we are currently working on implementing an online portal with public access, designed with the same measurements we use for environmental monitoring in areas of influence.

To listen, integrate and work with the community to understand and consider their concerns and expectations.

We have been working on a policy for strengthening and increasing our local presence in neighboring communities, in order to work alongside with them in the co-creation of shared social value. In this regard, we have maintained relationship agreements that will allow us to continue working on our collabs with them.

To provide assistance and advice to encourage a responsible chemical management.

All of our products have safety data sheets that give the correct handling and manipulation indications for our chemical products.

In 2021, the Tocopilla Port obtained a Responsible Care certification, which will be valid for 3 years, in order to begin the re-verification stage.