
Encouraging Clean Energy at the Former Victoria Nitrates Office

Encouraging Clean Energy at the Former Victoria Nitrates Office

Local residents received thermosolar panels, health infrastructure and other elements that directly benefit the eight families living at the historic nitrates plant.

Local residents received thermosolar panels, health infrastructure and other elements that directly benefit the eight families living at the historic nitrates plant.

At the former Victoria nitrates office in the midst of the Tamarugal pampa, eight families that are still resisting inclement conditions have managed to make one of their biggest dreams come true: having hot water. This simple and yet difficult-to-achieve goal was made possible thanks to an alliance that has left its mark on this part of Tarapacá.

The project, which is being implemented by the Municipality of Pozo Almonte and SQM, involved installing water heaters, bathrooms and other infrastructure that will improve the quality of life of residents who are looking to make this town a better place to live despite the adverse conditions.

Together with the infrastructure, which involved an investment of over 30 million pesos, the thermosolar panels and healthcare facilities provided the residents with the wellbeing that they had been seeking.

SQM’s Director of Communications, Sustainability and Public Affairs, Pablo Pisani, stated that, “Victoria is a community that has habitability needs. Our work with them is aimed at addressing this, and that has allowed us to implement this project, which sustainably improves their quality of life.”

Next up is the fulfillment of another shared goal for these families: a civic plaza where they could periodically receive services that they cannot regularly receive due to their remote location. These include public healthcare services, a center for a neighborhood association and recreational spaces for children. SQM has made a commitment to help them reach this goal.